Teamviewer on Ubuntu 64-bit

64-bit May 20, 2014

Trying to install Teamviewer on linux sometimes gives an error of “package architecture (i386) does not match system (amd64).”

This was the case when I tried to install Teamviewer on my Acer Chromebook, running Xubuntu 14.04. The problem is that I was trying to install a 32-bit / 64-Bit Multiarch and the dependencies weren’t met.

Here’s how I solved it.


For reference, the version I used is the “Ubuntu, Debian 32-Bit / 64-Bit Multiarch” version. I’ve done this on Xubuntu 14.04, but it should be the same for any newer 64-bit version of Ubuntu

I downloaded it into my Downloads folder using a web browser, but you can accomplish the same thing using the command:


Once it’s downloaded, the standard way to install a .deb file would be:

sudo dpkg -i teamviewer_linux.deb


But as you can see, it results in an error. You can add the i386 architecture to dpkg:

sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386

and then update your apt-get sources

sudo apt-get update


Now try that dpkg -i command again:

sudo dpkg -i teamviewer_linux.deb


So far so good. There are some dependencies, and you can fix those:

sudo apt-get install -f



Install the packages necessary, and Teamviewer will work!




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